Announcements — November 1, 2009
REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Heather U., undergoing chemotherapy; Tommy F., Ruth B.’s son-in-law, seriously ill; Don H., recovering from foot surgery; Marty J., with cancer; Ann L. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment.
WE WELCOME all our guests and visitors who join us today in celebration of the dedication of our expanded church facilities. We hope you are blessed by your visit with us. We rejoice with you in the love God has for us as seen so clearly in Jesus.
OUR HARDY THANKS to everyone who helped make this dedication day a celebration. There are those who helped with the services and all the special music, the decorations and special cleaning, preparing and getting the food ready for the meal and the refreshments later, getting and moving tables and chairs and all the other tasks that needed to be done. Thank you! Thank you!
CONGREGATIONAL DINNER Following the morning dedication service we will meet in the fellowship hall for a congregational dinner. You are invited.
SERVICE OF PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING This afternoon at 2:30 we will have a celebration service of praise and thanksgiving for the blessings God has given us as a congregation. The Rev. Brad Zerkel, Pastor of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Kansas City, and a former member of the congregation, will be the guest speaker. He and his wife, Sherri, are originally from this area. We are very happy to have them in our midst.
THE LWML is meeting this Wednesday evening at 6:30 for their regular meeting. Ladies, we hope you will join us.
THE VOTERS will meet next Sunday at 7:00 p.m. for their rescheduled meeting. Along with our regular business, an overview of the cost of the expansion will be presented and the purchase of the elevator will be discussed. Communicants eighteen years of age and over are eligible to become a voting member.
70 & OVER DINNER The youth group’s annual dinner event for those who are 70 years of age or older will be Sunday, November 15th at 5:00 pm. Not only will the honored guests be waited on and served a wonderful meal, they will also be entertained. If you need a ride or would like a meal delivered to your home, please let them know when you are contacted with your personal invitation. This special event is always a lot of fun for everyone involved, so we hope you can attend.
BRIDAL SHOWER Next Sunday at 2:30 pm, Lora W. would like to invite you to a bridal shower for Stephanie C. Stephanie and Keith Z. are being married here on December 12th. They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Macy’s, Kohl’s and Target. Please RSVP Lora.
YOUTH GROUP OFFERING SERVICES Are you in need of babysitting, leaf raking or other work? If so, let the Youth Group help out. Just give a donation to help fund the National Gathering. Contact Sandy D. to coordinate.
THINK PINK Sunday, November 15th, you are invited to wear pink to church, not only to remind us of the importance of annual check-ups, but to let those who have had or who are now receiving treatment for breast cancer know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to honor someone (no names, please), you can purchase a pink carnation for $2.50 or a pink rose for $3.00 to be displayed in arrangements at the service that day. There is a sign-up sheet and collection basket in the narthex. If the amount collected exceeds the final cost of the arrangements, the money will be donated to a local breast cancer organization, such as the American Cancer Society. Think pink!
A PHOTO MEMORY BOOK was given to each of the Laborers for Christ consisting of photos taken while working on the addition. A copy is on the cabinet in the narthex. It is also available to you to preview or purchase at: Prints of individual photos are also available for preview and purchase on the same site (more photos are available than were included in the photo book). Any questions, contact Dave Wacker.