
Think Pink!

pink_ribbon001Due to the very busy schedule we have had here at Good Shepherd, October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) flew right by. So we’re thinking pink in November! Sunday, November 15th, we’re inviting our members to wear pink to church, not only to remind us of the importance of annual check-ups, but to recognize and pay tribute to the many breast cancer patients, both current and past, here among us at Good Shepherd. If you would like to honor someone (no names, please), you can purchase a pink carnation for $2.50 or a pink rose for $3.00 to be displayed in arrangements at the services that day. There is a sign-up sheet and collection basket in the narthex. 4-All Occasions Florist is working with us on the arrangements. If the amount collected exceeds the final cost, the money will be donated to a local breast cancer organization, such as the American Cancer Society. THINK PINK!

Youth Group Offering Services

Are you in need of someone to baby-sit? Do you need someone to help with yard work, like leaf raking? Nine youth group members have registered to attend the National Youth Group Gathering in July 2010. To help fund their trip, the youth group is offering their services for a donation. If you would like some help, please contact Sandy D. to coordinate. In December, the Youth Group is planning a Babysitting Saturday so that parents can go Christmas shopping. Watch the bulletin and the December Newsletter for dates and times.

Announcements — November 8, 2009

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Betty E., at the death of her mother; Heather U., undergoing chemotherapy; Marty J., with cancer; Ann L. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment.

THE VOTERS will meet this evening at 7:00 pm. Along with our regular business, election of the 2010 church officers and adoption of the 2010 budget, an overview of the cost of the expansion will be presented and the purchase of the elevator will be discussed. Communicants eighteen years of age and over are eligible to become a voting member.

THINK PINK Next Sunday, November 15th, you are invited to wear pink to church, not only to remind us of the importance of annual check-ups, but to let those who have had or who are now receiving treatment for breast cancer know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to honor someone (no names, please), you can purchase a pink carnation for $2.50 or a pink rose for $3.00 to be displayed in arrangements at the service that day. There is a sign-up sheet and collection box in the narthex. If the amount collected exceeds the final cost of the arrangements, the money will be donated to a local breast cancer organization, such as the American Cancer Society. Think pink!

70 & OVER DINNER The youth group’s annual dinner event for those who are 70 years of age or older will be next Sunday, November 15th, at 5:00 pm. Not only will the honored guests be waited on and served a wonderful meal, they will also be entertained. If you need a ride or would like a meal delivered to your home, please let them know when you are contacted with your personal invitation. This special event is always a lot of fun for everyone involved, so we hope you can attend.

BRIDAL SHOWER You are invited. This afternoon at 2:00 pm, Lora Wacker is having a bridal shower for Stephanie C. Stephanie and Keith Z. are being married here on December 12th. They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Macy’s, Kohl’s and Target.

CHRISMONS (decorative Christian symbols used for Christmas ornaments, usually white and gold) Would you like to make some Chrismons for your Christmas tree or help us make some to be used here at church? We are planning a craft night on Wednesday evening, November 18th beginning at 6:30. We have the patterns, so bring your scissors, any craft items, like gold or silver glitter, lace, pearls, ideas, etc. and come join us.

FUNDRAISER IN THE WORKS A benefit to help with funding the costly airfare for Heather U.’s husband and two children to fly here to be with Heather at Christmas was adopted as a project by the LWML last Wednesday evening. Heather can not travel and will have to remain here in the states until May for chemo and radiation treatments. All the particulars have not yet been decided. Please watch the bulletin and your e-mails for more information as it develops.

YOUTH GROUP OFFERING SERVICES Are you in need of babysitting, leaf raking or other work?  If so, let the Youth Group help out.  Just give a donation to help fund the National Gathering.  Contact Sandy D. to coordinate.

THRIVENT MEMBERS The monthly meeting for Thrivent will take place at Peace Lutheran Church, 20th and Wisconsin, Joplin, Tuesday, November 10th at 7:00 pm. We need a representative to attend this meeting if our congregation wants to continue to receive funds. Please notify Corinne W., if you are able to attend.

BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is still available. We have moved the site to the nurse’s office located off the narthex. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.

TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 a.m. service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.

Building Expansion Dedication — November 1, 2009

Thanks to everyone who helped make the dedication day a celebration.  There are those who helped with the services and all the special music, the decorations and special cleaning, preparing and getting the food ready for the meal and the refreshments later, getting and moving tables and chairs and all the other tasks that needed to be done.  Thank you!  Thank you!

You Are My All In All

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

The Shepherd’s Own:

Jennifer S.:

Rev. Dr. Johns:

Elaine S.:
