

The season of Advent begins Sunday, November 29th. It is also the beginning
of a new church year with its emphasis on The One Who is Coming.
The O.T. Prophets told about the one who was coming to be the Messiah. This
coming was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus over 2,000 years ago.
In this Advent season we anticipate the coming of Christmas, the celebration
of Jesus’ birth, who came so that we might be brought back into God’s family
through his suffering, death and resurrection.
It is this Jesus who comes to us in this Advent season in his Word and Sacraments.
Jesus is Immanuel, God with us.
We are also reminded in this Advent season that the one who came is also the
one who is coming back again to be the judge of all the living and the dead. In
God’s grace, we look forward to Christ’s return and pray with the Apostle John, “Come, Lord Jesus.”
Special Wednesday Services, 7:00 p.m. During the season of Advent we have special midweek services
on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. It is easy to get so involved that the message and meaning of this time of year gets lost
in the mess. Take time to join with others for these special Advent services.

advent_wreathThe season of Advent begins Sunday, November 29th. It is also the beginning of a new church year with its emphasis on The One Who is Coming.

The O.T. Prophets told about the one who was coming to be the Messiah. This coming was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus over 2,000 years ago.

In this Advent season we anticipate the coming of Christmas, the celebration of Jesus’ birth, who came so that we might be brought back into God’s family through his suffering, death and resurrection.

It is this Jesus who comes to us in this Advent season in his Word and Sacraments.

Jesus is Immanuel, God with us.

We are also reminded in this Advent season that the one who came is also the one who is coming back again to be the judge of all the living and the dead. In God’s grace, we look forward to Christ’s return and pray with the Apostle John, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Special Wednesday Services, 7:00 p.m. During the season of Advent we have special midweek services on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. It is easy to get so involved that the message and meaning of this time of year gets lost in the mess. Take time to join with others for these special Advent services.

Dulcimer Class


Thursday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the narthex.

The Price is Right

The Price is Right
The served and the servers alike at the 70 & Over meal last month concentrate as they try to guess the price of a common item from 1959. The game was part of the evening’s activities as the youth group again treated those in our congrega-tion, who were 70 years of age and over, to a wonderful meal. While they may have struggled to come up with the right price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas back in 1959, all present were re-minded that our salvation is no mystery, but a free gift of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus.


The served and the servers alike at the 70 & Over meal last month concentrate as they try to guess the price of a common item from 1959. The game was part of the evening’s activities as the youth group again treated those in our congrega-tion, who were 70 years of age and over, to a wonderful meal. While they may have struggled to come up with the right price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas back in 1959, all present were re-minded that our salvation is no mystery, but a free gift of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Joy Comes in Pairs

Joy Comes in Pairs
In light of the necessities of life, walking barefoot may seem minor, but for millions of children around the world their bare feet are subjected to in-fections that can lead to crippling consequences, disease and even death. The Sunday School offerings, now through to the end of the year, will go to help purchase and send pairs of clog type, all-terrain shoes to children in need worldwide.
This project is a division of Life Outreach International.

shoesIn light of the necessities of life, walking barefoot may seem minor, but for millions of children around the world their bare feet are subjected to infections that can lead to crippling consequences, disease and even death. The Sunday School offerings, now through to the end of the year, will go to help purchase and send pairs of clog type, all-terrain shoes to children in need worldwide.

This project is a division of Life Outreach International.