
Holy Week – Easter Schedule

Holy Week
Palm Sunday,  March 28  — Palms leaves will be given to everyone and the Sunday School children will process with the palms during the late Service. 

Maundy Thursday, April 1 — A Service of Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7:00 Thursday evening. Following the Lord’s Supper the altar will be striped in preparation for Good Friday.

Good Friday, April 2 — A Tenebrae Service on Friday evening at 7:00.  The service will start in the light and grow increasing dark as the readings lead to the death of Jesus on the cross. 

Sunrise Service, April 4 — The early Easter Communion service will start at 7:30 a.m.   It will be held outside if the weather permits.

Easter breakfast — Starts at 8:30 a.m.

Easter egg hunt — Starts at 9:30 a.m.

Easter Service — The Easter Communion service will start at 10:45 a.m.

Rummage Sale Nets Over $400.00

The Youth Group wishes to extend a huge THANK YOU to all who donated and helped with the Rummage Sale on Saturday, Feb. 20th.  Over $400.00 was raised to help with expenses for the Youth to attend the National Gathering in New Orleans, July 17-21. 

Your continued support is greatly appreciated!

Congregational Pot Luck

On Sunday, March 7th, after the late service, we will have a pot luck lunch to welcome our new members.  The lunch will have a “green theme”.  Wear green and bring a dish to share…it doesn’t have to be green.  The meat, which will consist of corn beef & cabbage, and beef stew, along with the  drinks, will be furnished.

We will also be greeting and meeting the new members of our church family.  Those folks who have joined our congregation this past year will be our special guests and we will introduce them to the rest of you.

 Mark your calendar now and plan to join us for this fun time of good food and wonderful fellowship

Shepherd’s Own planning to make CD

On Wednesday, Feb 24, Rick C. and the Shepherd’s Own tested out the new CD recording system with four microphones and six men. We think that this can work! We plan to try to plan some Sunday afternoon recording sessions, with the goal of a 10-track CD, which we would “sell” for donations–amount and choice of ministry for the proceeds to be determined!
