Announcements — March 14, 2010
REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Gloria E., Jeanann G., Ann L., Chuck P., Heather U., undergoing treatment; Marty J., with cancer; Bill S., serving in the military in Afghanistan.
SPRING BREAK There will be no Tuesday or Wednesday evening classes this week because of Spring Break.
MIDWEEK SERVICES DURING LENT Midweek services are being held each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. until Holy Week. We hope you will join us in the extra worship opportunities this Lenten season as we look forward to the joyous celebration of Easter.
JR CONFIRMATION RETREAT Eight young folks will be heading to Lake Windermere this Friday for a weekend retreat filled with Bible study, games, fellowship, worship and much, much more. Shawn & Jennifer P. will be the counselors.
EASTER LILIES If you would like to purchase one or more Easter Lily to help beautify the sanctuary at Easter, please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Any lilies you purchase are of course yours to take home after Easter Sunday. The cost is $6.00 each. Please pay Betty K.
ANNUAL EASTER BREAKFAST There is a sheet on the card table in the narthex for you to sign-up to bring your choice of food, paper products, or drinks for the Easter breakfast on April 4th. There is also a sign-up sheet to offer your help in the set-up, serving or clean-up.
MEN’S & CO-ED SOFTBALL SIGN-UPS Interested in playing on either the men’s or co-ed teams this spring? Please talk with Bradley M., or use the sign-up sheet in the narthex. The co-ed team will play on Monday evenings and the men’s team will play on Tuesday evenings.
BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.
TAPES & CDS OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 a.m. service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. The previous Sunday’s are also available.
ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you control the volume.
Announcements — March 7, 2010
REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Katherine R., in St. John’s hospital, Joplin; Gloria E., Jeanann G., Ann L., Chuck P., Heather U., undergoing treatment; Marty J., with cancer; Bill S., serving in the military in Afghanistan.
NEW MEMBER POT LUCK Today after the second service we will have a congregational pot luck to welcome our new members. Forgot, and didn’t bring a dish? That’s OK, please stay; there will be more than enough for everyone.
MIDWEEK SERVICES DURING LENT Midweek services are being held each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. until Holy Week. We hope you will join us in the extra worship opportunities this Lenten season as we look forward to the joyous celebration of Easter.
THE OVER-50 GOOD SHEPHERDS will meet this Thursday at 6:00 pm. Bring a snack and join the fun.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS next Sunday, so be sure to set your clocks up (spring forward) one hour before you retire on Saturday night.
EASTER LILIES If you would like to purchase one or more Easter Lilies to help beautify the sanctuary at Easter, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex. Any lilies you purchase are of course yours to take home after Easter Sunday. The cost is $6.00 each. Please pay Betty K.
ANNUAL EASTER BREAKFAST There is a sheet on the card table in the narthex for you to sign up to bring your choice of food, paper products, or drinks for the Easter breakfast on April 4th. There is also a sign up sheet to offer your help in the set up, serving or clean up.
MEN’S & CO-ED SOFTBALL SIGN UPS Interested in playing on either the men’s or co-ed teams this spring? Please talk with Bradley M., or use the sign up sheet in the narthex. The men will play on Tuesday evenings and the co-ed team will play on Monday evenings.
BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.
TAPES & CDS OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 a.m. service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. The previous Sunday’s are also available.
ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.
Holy Week – Easter Schedule
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, March 28 — Palms leaves will be given to everyone and the Sunday School children will process with the palms during the late Service.
Maundy Thursday, April 1 — A Service of Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7:00 Thursday evening. Following the Lord’s Supper the altar will be striped in preparation for Good Friday.
Good Friday, April 2 — A Tenebrae Service on Friday evening at 7:00. The service will start in the light and grow increasing dark as the readings lead to the death of Jesus on the cross.
Sunrise Service, April 4 — The early Easter Communion service will start at 7:30 a.m. It will be held outside if the weather permits.
Easter breakfast — Starts at 8:30 a.m.
Easter egg hunt — Starts at 9:30 a.m.
Easter Service — The Easter Communion service will start at 10:45 a.m.