
Announcements — October 31, 2010

REMEMBER IN PRAYER  Edna C., at St. Luke’s, Carthage, recovering from a broken hip; Dorothy F., in rehab at Springfield; Ronda S., Ruth H.’s daughter, in St. John’s Hospital on a ventilator; Marilyn N., at home; Kathy P., recovering at home from surgery; Karen P., having treatments on her spine; Jeanie D., Jean S., undergoing treatment for cancer; Jeanann G., Ann L., Corky M., Chuck P. & Janet S., receiving treatment.

THE FALL PARTY, HAYRIDE and HOBO SUPPER is today.  We will start making the stew around 5:00 pm.  Bring some of your own precooked stew, cooked veggies or meat to toss in the big black pot on the open fire.  The hayride will begin at 5:30 pm and will be held at Jack H.’s home, 2 miles west of the church on Hwy 96, house is on the right.  (Balloons on the mailbox will mark his lane.)  After we’ve enjoyed the hayride, we’ll head back to the church to partake of the now simmering hobo stew, and the children will begin to enjoy their Fall Party.  They are welcome to dress up in a friendly costume if they want.  There will be games to play and special treats handed out.  Rumor has it that there will be pumpkin bowling???

CHURCH WORK DAY YESTERDAY  Did you notice the new landscaping as you pulled into church this morning?  Looks wonderful! 

NO BAND PRACTICE THIS WEEK  Practice will resume on Wednesday,  Nov. 10, at 5:30 pm.

LWML FALL RALLY is this Saturday, Nov. 6, at Zion Lutheran Church, Prairie City (Rockville).  The rally begins at 10:00 am with registration at 9:30.  Please contact Corinne W. if you plan to attend.  This is always a wonderful event where fellow Sisters in Christ come together to see about the business of the LWML SW Zone, to worship our Lord, and to enjoy fellowship with each other.  Transportation plans will be determined by how many plan to attend.  All ladies of the congregation are invited.  

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD  The LWML will be sponsoring this very worthwhile project this year.  You can help in three ways: fill and return your own shoe box, make a donation and the LWML will shop for you, or donate the $7.00 shipping fee required for each shoe box.  Boxes need to be completed by Nov. 14.  Please contact Lora W. with any questions.  The Operation Christmas Child Mission: To demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

ADDRESS INFORMATION  Dorothy F. is in Springfield for rehab. 

ALTAR FLOWERS  Almost all of December is open if you would like to place flowers to honor a memory or in celebration of an event.  Please select a date & note your name and phone number on the Flower Chart in the narthex. 

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.  We have reports that they are helping those who have received them. 

TAPES AND CD’S OF THE SERVICE  Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.  The previous Sunday’s are also available.

BLOOD PRESSURE  The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex.  You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING  If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you control the volume.

Announcements — October 24, 2010

REMEMBER IN PRAYER  Edna C., at St. Luke’s, Carthage, recovering from a broken hip; Dorothy F., in rehab at Springfield; George M., recovering at home; Marilyn N., at home; Kathy P., recovering at home from surgery; Karen P., having treatments on her spine; Jeanie D., Jean S., undergoing treatment for cancer; Jeanann G., Ann L., Corky M., Chuck P. & Janet S., receiving treatment.

CONGRATULATIONS to Kayla D. and Cory H. who exchanged marriage vows here yesterday.  We pray for the Lord’s blessings on Cory & Kayla as they begin their life together as husband and wife.  Kayla is the daughter of Greg & Caryn D.

GUEST PASTOR  Pastor David Johns will be leading us again today in worship while Pastor is away.  Thank you, Pastor Johns, for sharing the good news of God’s word, and your time with us. 

CHURCH WORK DAY was postponed from yesterday to next Saturday, due to the probability of rain.  Start time is 8:00 am.  

CHILDREN’S FLU SHOTS TODAY  The cost is $18.00.  Teri K., with McCune Brooks Hospital, will administer the vaccine.  She will be available in the nurse’s office during the Sunday School hour and after the late service.

VOTERS’ MEETING  The voters’ assembly will meet today at 7:00 pm.  The 2011 budget and the election of officers are items on the agenda for this evening.  All church members 18 years and over are eligible to be a part of the voters’ assembly.  

LWML FALL RALLY is next Saturday, Nov. 6, at Zion Lutheran Church, Prairie City (Rockville).  The rally begins at 10:00 am with registration at 9:30.  Please contact Corinne W. if you plan to attend.  This is always a wonderful event where fellow Sisters in Christ come together to see about the business of the LWML SW Zone, to worship our Lord, and to enjoy fellowship with each other.  Transportation plans will be determined by how many plan to attend.  All ladies of the congregation are invited.  

THE FALL PARTY, HAYRIDE and HOBO SUPPER is next Sunday.  We will start making the stew around 5:00 pm.  Bring some of your own precooked stew, cooked veggies or meat to toss in the big black pot on the open fire.  The hayride will begin at 5:30 pm and will be held at Jack Howerton’s home, 2 miles west of the church on Hwy 96, house is on the right.  After we’ve enjoyed the hayride, we’ll head back to the church to partake of the now simmering hobo stew, and the children will begin to enjoy their Fall Party.  They are welcome to dress up in a friendly costume if they want.  There will be games to play and special treats handed out. 

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD  The LWML will be sponsoring this very worthwhile project this year.  The labels and more information will be  available next Sunday.  The Operation Christmas Child Mission:  To demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

REFORMATION SUNDAY  Next Sunday, October 31

PASTOR AND GERRY ON VACATION  Pastor and Gerry are in Arizona on vacation through the 28th.  If you need pastoral care during this time, please call the church office, 358-1325, or David W.

ADDRESS INFORMATION  Dorothy F. has been moved to Springfield for rehab. 

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace. 

TAPES AND CD’S OF THE SERVICE  Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.  The previous Sunday’s are also available.

BLOOD PRESSURE  The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex.  You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING  If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you control the volume.

Announcements — October 17, 2010

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Edna C., at St. Luke’s, Carthage, recovering from a broken hip; Dorothy F., at Freeman Rehab. recovering from a broken hip; George M., recovering from knee replacement surgery; Marilyn N., at home; Kathy P., recovering at home from surgery; Jean S., undergoing treatment for cancer; Jeanann G., Ann L., Corky M., Chuck P. & Janet S., receiving treatment.

GUEST PASTOR Pastor David Johns will be leading us in worship today and next Sunday while Pastor is away.  Thank you, Pastor Johns, we really appreciate you doing this for us.

CHURCH WORK DAY-LANDSCAPING Bring your shovels, rakes and your muscles Saturday, Oct. 23, and help with the landscaping of the church grounds.  The main work area will be on the north and east sides of the church.  Work will begin at 8:00 am.

CHILDREN’S FLU SHOTS There were several inquiries last Sunday about offering flu shots for children.  We are able to do just that next Sunday, Oct. 24.  The cost will be $18.00.  Teri K., with McCune Brooks Hospital, will administer the vaccine.  She will be available in the nurse’s office during the Sunday School hour and after the late service.

PASTOR AND GERRY ON VACATION Pastor and Gerry are in Arizona on vacation through the 28th.  If you need pastoral care during this time, please call the church office, 358-1325, or David W.

ALTAR FLOWERS There are several opportunities (December is completely open) through the end of this year if you would like to place flowers at the altar in memory of someone, in thanksgiving, or to celebrate a special occasion.  The chart is on the table in the narthex for your use.  Please write your name, the reason for your placement, and your phone number.  See the chart for the name and number of two florists who offer GSLC a discount.

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.

TAPES AND CD’S OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.  The previous Sunday’s are also available.

BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex.  You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you control the volume.

Announcements — October 10, 2010

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Edna C., at St. Luke’s, Carthage, recovering from a broken hip; Dorothy F., at Freeman Hospital recovering from a broken hip; George M., recovering from knee replacement surgery; Marilyn N., at home; Kathy P., recovering at home from surgery; Jean S., undergoing treatment for cancer; Jeanann G., Ann L., Corky M., Chuck P. & Janet S., receiving treatment.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We welcome into our fold the following new members:  Greg B., Nan B., Harry & Mary C., and Sandy O..  May God bless them and our fellowship together.

FLU SHOTS You can get your flu shot here at GSLC this morning.  Teri K., with McCune Brooks Hospital, will be offering the vaccine for $18.00; there is no charge if you are on Medicare.  Everyone will need to show identification and those on Medicare will need to have their card.  Teri will be available in the nurse’s office to administer the shots during the Sunday School hour and after the late service.

CONGRATULATIONS to Roberta H. and Clay C. who were unitied in marriage here yesterday evening.  We rejoice with them and pray for God’s blessings as they begin their new life as husband and wife.

THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet this evening at 7:00.  The 2011 budget and the agenda for the Voters’ meeting on Oct. 24 will be discussed.  All members of the church council are asked to attend.

THE ELDERS will meet this Monday evening at 7:00 pm.

THE SHEPHERD’S OWN will be a part of the Maple Leaf Gospel Sing this Wednesday evening at the Carthage Jr. High Auditorium, beginning at 7:00.  Thank you, guys, for representing Good Shepherd.  We are proud to call you “our own”.

THE MAPLE LEAF PARADE begins Saturday morning at 9:00 am.  If you attend the festivities, make sure to make “a joyful noise” when the Good Shepherd float passes you by.  Thanks to all those who worked to make this possible.

OVER-50 GOOD SHEPHERDS will meet this Thursday at 6:00 pm.  Bring some vittles to share and come join the fun.

PASTOR AND GERRY ON VACATION Pastor and Gerry will be in Arizona on vacation from the 15th through the 28th.  Pastor David Johns will be leading us in worship the next two Sundays while Pastor is away.  We really appreciate him doing this for us.  If you need pastoral care during this time, please call the church office, 358-1325, or David W.

ALTAR FLOWERS There are several opportunities, (December is completely open) through the end of this year if you would like to place flowers at the altar in memory of someone, in thanksgiving, or to celebrate a special occasion.  The chart is on the table in the narthex for your use.  Please write your name, the reason for your placement, and your phone number.  See the chart for the name and number of two florists who offer GSLC a discount.

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.

TAPES AND CD’S OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.  The previous Sunday’s are also available.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you control the volume.