† IN OUR PRAYERS Sadie C., Doug and Peggy S.’s granddaughter; dealing with potential vision loss; Diana E., undergoing treatment for breast cancer; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.
† TREASURER NOTE For the ten months ended October, our expenses totaled $197,648 while our income totaled $192,063 leaving us with a deficit of $5,585.
† QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING The regular quarterly Voters’ Meeting will be held today right after the service. Two items on the agenda during this meeting will be the election of officers and the approval of the budget for the 2025 church year. The proposed slate of officers for 2025:
President – Greg G.* Vice-President – Dave H.
Secretary – Petra M. Treasurer – Dave E.
Elder – Walter R.*, Kelby M. Trustee – Ron N.*, Jared B.
Board of Christian Ed. Chair – Becky C.*
(* means these members are up for re-election to a second term)
† CROSSLINES COLLECTION Thank you to everyone who has participated in donating items for Christmas to Crosslines of Carthage. All of the donations will be brought to Crosslines this week so they can be ready for Christmas.