† IN OUR PRAYERS Diana E., undergoing treatment for breast cancer; Chester and Charlene S., Blane’s Grandparents, recovering at home from various illnesses but improving; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.
† FLU SHOTS Lacy E. will be offering flu shots right after the service to those of you who signed up.
† 5TH SUNDAY POTLUCK AND BINGO The Fellowship Committee is encouraging everyone to join us today for a 5th Sunday Potluck followed by BINGO! This will be held downstairs following Sunday School and Adult Bible Class.
† THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the school donations for Immanuel Lutheran School in Lockwood. They are greatly appreciated!
† MEALS ON WHEELS Thanks to everyone who helped deliver meals last week. What a great way to help our community.
† PORTALS OF PRAYER The Winter Portals of Prayer are available on the information table in the Narthex.