Announcements — September 22, 2024

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Diana E., diagnosed with breast cancer; Chester and  Charlene S., Blane’s Grandparents, recovering at home from various illnesses but improving; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† NEW MEMBER WELCOME  Good Shepherd is welcoming a new member to our congregation this morning, Cory H.  It is great to have him join our church family.

† FLU SHOTS  Lacy E. will be giving Flu shots after the service on Sunday, September 29.  If you would like one, please use the sign up sheet on the round table in the Narthex.

† 5TH SUNDAY POTLUCK AND BINGO  The Fellowship Committee is encouraging everyone to join us on Sunday, September 29 for a 5th Sunday Potluck followed by BINGO!  This will be held following Sunday School and Adult Bible Class.

† THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the school donations for Immanuel Lutheran School in Lockwood.  They are greatly appreciated!

† RALLY DAY/PIE AUCTION  Thanks to everyone who helped organize all the Rally Day activities.  What a fun way to kick off the new Sunday School year!

† MEALS ON WHEELS  Good Shepherd’s next turn to deliver meals will be this Wednesday, September 25.  If you would like to help with this or have questions please contact Sandy D.

† PORTALS OF PRAYER  The Winter Portals of Prayer are available on the information table in the Narthex.