Announcements — August 4, 2024

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Janet C., recovering from a car accident; Chester and  Charlene S., Blane’s Grandparents, recovering at home from various illnesses; Ron & Beth T., struggling with the damage to their house after the recent tornado; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen  Ministry and their care receivers.

† THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!  From the donated items and financial support to all those who volunteered so much of their time, this congregation continues to be amazing!  At this year’s VBS God blessed us with   a great opportunity to share His abundant and overflowing grace with a wonderful group of kids.  Your generous giving made it all possible, and we are so grateful.

† SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL  The children have had so much fun learning about the fruit of the Spirit this summer during Sunday School.  They would like to share a couple of songs that they have been singing this summer during the service, on August 25.

† SUMMER OFFERING  The offerings from VBS and Summer Adult Bible Class & Sunday School will be donated to support Higher Power Garage, a Joplin-based organization.  It has a mission to ‘provide safe and reliable transportation to those in need.’  Higher Power Garage works to ‘shine God’s light and be an example of His love through the repairs they provide.