Announcements — June 28, 2009

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Stephen L., at the death of his mother; Thelma M. at Freeman Hospital; Ann L., Ann N. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment.

MEMBERS IN ACTION Volunteers will be needed to work with the Laborers. Let Mike Q. know if you can work anytime from Tuesday to Saturday.

SATURDAY LUNCHES In the narthex is a sign up sheet for folks to help in the expansion process by furnishing a light lunch at noon on Saturdays for the Laborers and member volunteers. We’ve made it so, if you choose, up to three families can share in this responsibility. Just pick a Saturday and sign your name. Your willingness is greatly appreciated.

ACTIVITIES CANCELLED All meetings, Bible Studies, etc., are being cancelled this week due to the planned construction on the church.

SANCTUARY FURNISHINGS COMMITTEE If you are interested in serving on this commitee, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex. Don L. will head up the committee, which will be responsible for making the decisions on the furnishings for the sanctuary, such as carpet, pews or chairs, etc.

VBS, JULY 6-10 Registration forms for the students are on the table in the narthex. Please contact Nicole B. with any questions. The theme for this year’s VBS is Crocodile Dock, and will be July 6-10, from 5:30-8:30 pm. All children attending VBS will need a white t-shirt. We would like to have the t-shirts early so we can start doing the iron-on transfers and have them ready by July 6th. Please have your child’s name pinned on their shirt and leave it in the blue cloth box on the back pew in the narthex. We would like to have all the shirts by June 28th. Thank you!!

VBS DINNER & SNACK DONATIONS The items needed each day to feed the Bible Schoolers and the staff are liested on the sheets on the table in the narthex. Simply jot your name next to the items you will furnish and deliver to the church kitchen. Your help is greatly appreciated.

PASTOR’S CLASS If you are interested in joining the church, learning more about Lutheran doctrine, or would like to review, Pastor will be having an information class on Sunday, July 12th, beginning at 1:00 pm. Let Pastor know if you would like to attend.

LUTHERAN NIGHT WITH THE SPRINGFIELD CARDINALS Friday, July 17th , is Lutheran night at the Springfield Cardinals baseball game. Tickets are $7.00 each, with one dollar going to the Lutheran Student Center at MSU. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex to order tickets. Jim G. will serve as the coordinator for the event.

PORTALS OF PRAYER The July-September Portals of Prayer are available at the information center in the narthex.

LWML QUARTERLY The Quarterly is available at the information center in the narthex.

TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabi-net in the narthex. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.

BLOOD PRESSURE After each service, at the table in the narthex, you have the opportunity to have your blood pressure taken. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.