Announcements — July 3, 2011

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Shelby B., recovering from eye surgery; Don H., undergoing treatment for cancer; Betty K., having gall bladder surgery on Thursday; Sharon R., recovering at home; David C., June R., Bill S., in extended care; the victims of the tornado and those responding with help.

SPECIAL SERVICE Today is our special patriotic service in connection with the nation’s Fourth of July celebration.  The Sunday School children will participate in the 10:45 service with a special program of their own.  We have much to be thankful for as a nation and today we give God the glory.

THE LWML will meet this Wednesday evening at 6:30.  Rhonda N. is the topic leader and Diana E. is the hostess for the evening.  All the ladies of the congregation are welcome.

HERO HEADQUARTERS VBS PRE-REGISTRATION Kids, don’t miss the exciting, challenging, super-fun VBS program, July 24-28.  Please pre-register next Sunday afternoon from 2:00-4:00.

PERIODICALS AVAILABLE The July—September edition of the Portals of Prayer and the LWML summer issue of the Quarterly are available in the narthex.

HOME & BABY SHOWER for Jordan K. and Baby E. will be held July 12 at 7:00 pm.  Jordan is registered at Wal-Mart.  Hostesses are Janie O., Emma G. and Janet C.  Call Janet with any questions or if you need a ride.

THE THURSDAY AM BIBLE STUDY GROUP has decided to take a break over the summer.  Class will resume on Thursday, September 8.

HELPING WITH SLEEPING SPACE We have housed and will continue to provide sleeping space for individuals and groups who come to help with the tornado relief.  Be sure to say ‘hi’ and welcome them to Good Shepherd, then thank them for coming to help.

THRIVENT MATCHING FUNDS If you would like to donate money for tornado relief to either Immanuel or Peace Lutheran in Joplin, Thrivent will match $1.00 for each $3.00 raised.  You can give your donation through Good Shepherd, and we will see that it goes where you have designated it.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.

TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.  Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.  We have had reports and words of thanks from folks being blessed by this outreach ministry.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are available in the narthex after each service.  You will be given a small form that can be carried in your wallet which will include medical information and a log of your blood pressure readings.