
The church season of Advent began Sunday, November 28. It is the beginning of a new church year. Its emphasis is always on The One Who is Coming. We hear from the Old Testament Prophets who tell us about The One Who is Coming to be the Messiah. This coming is fulfilled in the birth of Jesus over 2,000 years ago. So, in the Advent Season we anticipate the coming of the celebration of Jesus’ birth. We look forward to Christmas, the coming of the One who will bring us back into God’s family through his suffering, death and resurrection. It is this Jesus who also comes to us in this Advent season in his Word and Sacraments. Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. We are also reminded in this Advent season that The One Who is Coming is also the One who is coming back again to be the judge of all the living and the dead. In God’s grace, we can look forward to Christ’s return and pray with the Apostle John, “Come, Lord Jesus.” During the season of Advent we have special midweek worship services on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. It is easy to get so involved in the activities of the commercial Christmas that the message and meaning of this time of year gets lost in the mess. Take time to join with others for these special Advent services and remember, Jesus is The One Who is Coming.