Stained Glass Windows Installed

Friday The 13th, A Lucky Day

On Friday, Aug. 13, two of our three new stained glass windows were installed. They each represent an important aspect of Jesus’ life and work here on earth.  One is the Good Shepherd window which reminds us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for us, his sheep. Throughout Jesus’ ministry here on earth the cross was always there. He came to take the punishment of sin on himself so that we could once again be called children of God. The other window installed is the Resurrection window. Jesus did not remain dead, but rose again to conquer death once and for all time and to give life to all who believe in him. The Easter lilies remind us of the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection and the butterfly tells us that we too will rise to new life in him. The other window to be installed later will remind us of the birth of Jesus, who, being God, became man so that we might be saved through him. The window will show the Christmas star that shines over the manger of Jesus, who is Christ the Lord. The remaining windows on the other side of the sanctuary will display the stained glass windows from our previous sanctuary. The old windows will be reshaped to fit the new openings and a message will be added at the bottom of each to match the new windows. Two of the old windows are symbols that represent the sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and the third is Luther’s Rose, which represents the centrality of the cross in Lutheran theology. Right now you can see the old windows in the nursery, the conference room and Pastor’s office. Our thanks to everyone who is helping make our stained glass windows a reality. Our special thanks to Illusions in Stained Glass here in Carthage for their work and cooperation in making the new windows and their help in redoing the old windows.