Announcements — August 15, 2010

REMEMBER IN PRAYER  Marilyn N., recovering from surgery; Pat S., recovering from heart surgery; Corky M., recovering from surgery and undergoing treatment for cancer; Jeanann G., Ann L., & Chuck P., undergoing treatment.

CONGRATULATIONS!  Perry & Charla S. have been blessed with the gift of a baby girl born July 31.  At birth, Jenna Macalea weighed 8 lbs., 1 oz., and was 20” long.  We ask God’s blessings on this family.

SMOKED PORK BY CAVEMAN CUISINE  Next Sunday will be the last day to order.  Order sheet is in the narthex.  The cost is $25.00 each, which is 4-5 pounds of meat.  Thanks, Chad & Nicole.

MUSIC MINISTRY PLANNING MEETING  A Music Ministry planning meeting has been scheduled for this evening at 6:30 pm.  Anyone who has an interest in sculpting the future shape of Music Ministry at GSLC is encouraged to attend this meeting and share his/her ideas.

LWML BAKE SALE today after both services.  As always, your contributions and help are very much appreciated.  Thank you.

ELDERS’ MEETING will be this Monday at 7:00 pm.

SOFTBALL  The Co-Ed Softball game is Monday at 6:30 pm.  The Men’s Softball game is Tuesday at 8:30 pm.

SCHOOL BEGINS this week for all of the area schools.  Please keep both students and teachers in your prayers as this new school year gets under way.

FLOAT PLANNING  This Wednesday, August 18, there will be a planning meeting at 5:30 pm. for the building of our church float to be in the Maple Leaf Parade.  This year’s theme is Heroes and Heritage.  Everyone is welcome to come and offer ideas and knowledge.  Root beer floats will be served.

STRIKE UP THE BAND  Reminder:  band practice begins Wednesday, August 25, at 5:30 pm.  Karen M. is the leader. 

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace. 

TAPES AND CD’S OF THE SERVICE  Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. The previous Sunday’s are also available.

BLOOD PRESSURE  The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex.  You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING  If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you control the volume.