In the recent Parish Planning Process meeting with Rev. Dr. Stuart Brassie, Music Ministry was one of the areas identified as a priority for development at GSLC. After the early worship service on July 18, several interested members of the congregation met to assess our current resources for music ministry and discuss ideas for expansion or enhancement of this area of ministry. It was observed that we are blessed with many talented musicians within our membership who may be willing to contribute to our worship in a variety of ways. The consensus of the group was that in addition to our present organists, the Shepherd’s Own, the GSLC band and the dulcimer group, our worship could be greatly enhanced with the regular inclusion of music from vocal and instrumental soloists and ensembles, and adult and children’s choirs. Regarding worship and music styles, the group unanimously agreed that inclusion of both traditional and contemporary varieties would be most desirable.
Of course, no growth in this area of ministry can be achieved without the willingness of capable individuals to step forward and share their abilities in service to God and their fellow congregants. We are in need of vocalists and instrumentalists who are ready to “Make a joyful noise to the Lord”. Leaders are also needed for both adult and children’s choirs. It would also be helpful to have someone with good organizational skills to serve as a music coordinator to be the designated go-to person with whom musical contributors may plan and schedule their musical offerings for inclusion in worship. If you have a talent you are in this way willing to share, please contact Pastor or John N.
A more focused Music Ministry planning meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, August 15, at 6:30 pm. Anyone who has an interest in sculpting the future shape of Music Ministry at GSLC is encouraged to attend this meeting and share his/her ideas.