REMEMBER IN PRAYER Tom D., with cellulitis in his leg; Esther M., recovering from back surgery; Bob G., recovering from surgery; Corky M., surgery on Monday and in treatment for cancer; Heather U., recovering from surgery; Jeanann G., Ann L., & Chuck P., undergoing treatment.
GUEST SPEAKER The Rev. Dr. John Herzog is our guest speaker today. He is the Chief Administrator for the Lutheran High School Association of Greater Detroit, but more importantly, the son of Marie H. Marie’s family is here to help her get her home ready for sale. She is moving to St. Louis to be with her daughter, Martha. Thank you, Pastor Herzog, for sharing your message with us today.
NEW SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY The Sunday morning Bible class is starting a new study on the Gospel of Matthew lead by Pastor. If you have been wanting to start coming to the Bible class, now is a good time to start. The class meets downstairs in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 with coffee and goodies to eat. We hope you will join us.
VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY meets this evening at 7:00. ALL members 18 years and older are invited to be a part of the Voters’ Assembly.
SMOKED PORK BY CAVEMAN CUISINE We all know how good their smoked pork is! Well, here’s your chance to order a full smoked pork butt. Caveman Cuisine is taking orders to help raise money for the LWML’s Women’s Retreat in Sept. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex, and orders will be taken until Aug. 22. You will be able to pick up your pork butt on Sept. 1. The cost is $25.00 each, which is 4-5 lbs of meat. UMM…UMM…GOOD! Thanks, Chad & Nicole.
CROSSLINES Crosslines of Carthage is always in need of non-perishable food items. There is a container in the narthex and a shopping basket in the entry downstairs for you to place your donations. Thank you!
NURSERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are in need of volunteers to help in the nursery during the late service while Walli is in New Jersey taking care of her dad. Please pick a Sunday and write your name on the sign up sheet in the narthex. Thank you for your willingness to help.
RECIPE FOR LIFE—WOMEN’S RETREAT, SEPT. 24-26 We need to know by the end of this month if you would like to attend the women’s retreat at Eureka Springs, AR. The cost will be around $100.00, which includes a two night stay, two full breakfasts, trolley tickets, plus your ticket to the Passion Play. We will need a $20.00 deposit from everyone wanting to attend to reserve the rooms. Scholarships will be available. The sign up sheet is in the narthex. Any questions, please contact Lora S.
PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.
TAPES AND CD’S OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes and CDs of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. The previous Sunday’s are also available.
BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.
ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you control the volume.