REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Don H., recovering from knee surgery; Don L. & family, at the death of his mother; Heather U. and Jeanann G., undergoing treatment for cancer; Marty J., with cancer; Ann L. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment; Bill S., serving in the military in Afghanistan.
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Today, during the 10:45 service, the Sunday School children will recount the beautiful story of the birth of the Christ Child with their program, The Christmas Story.
CHRISTMAS TREAT After the program this morning, there will be a bag of “goodies” for the children as they leave the sanctuary.
Christmas Eve Communion Candlelight Service is Thursday, Dec. 24th, at 7:00 pm.
Christmas Day Communion Service is Friday at 10:45 am.
New Year’s Eve Communion Service, Dec. 31st, at 7:00 pm.
WEDNESDAY EVENING SCHEDULE There will be no Wednesday classes or practices for the next two weeks. The Wednesday evening schedule will resume on Wednesday, January 6th, with band practice at 5:30 pm and Jr. Confirmation, Youth Group, and Men’s Ensemble at 6:30 pm. The LWML will be meeting Jan.6th at 6:30 pm, and the Women’s Class will resume its classes on Jan. 13th at 6:30 pm.
BIRTHDAY CARD SHOWER Dorothy F., the eldest member of our congregation, will be having a birthday December 21st. How about showering her with cards!
LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRIES OUTREACH BOOKLETS Please check out the new assortment of Lutheran Hour Booklets located in the narthex. There is a variety of topics for personal use or to give out to family, friends, and co-workers, that points us all to Christ and his endless love, no matter what the situation my be. A booklet entitled, How to Share Christ Confidently, is also available. Let Your Light Shine, and Reach Out!
PEW TRANSFER HELP NEEDED Volunteers are needed to travel to Pleasant Hill, MO on Friday, January 8th-9th to dismantle and load our church pews onto a semi-trailer to be transported to Carthage and then unloaded on the 9th. Please contact John N., if you are willing to assist with this. The more the merrier. If you’d like to help, but can’t make the trip on Friday, helpers will also be needed to move & store the existing pews, if they haven’t sold, and assist with re-assembling the new pews.
BLANKET/QUILT DRIVE Now is a good time to clean out your closets and find a good use for those blankets, quilts, comforters, etc., that no longer see much use. We need them for padding to protect the new pews during loading and transit. We will need at least 100. If you would rather make a loan to us, be sure to label your items with duct tape. All donated blankets, etc. will be re-donated to the Carthage Crisis Center to give to those in need.
FLOWER CHART, 2010 If you would like to place flowers at the altar for a special occasion or in memory of someone, please sign the flower chart found on the wall in the hall between the restrooms. Simply write your name, phone number, and occasion with the pen provided.
JOY COMES IN PAIRS In light of the necessities of life, walking barefoot may seem minor, but for millions of children around the world their bare feet are subjected to infections that can lead to crippling consequences, disease and even death. The Sunday School offerings, now through the end of the year, will go to help purchase and send pairs of clog type, all-terrain shoes to children in need worldwide. This project is a division of Life Outreach International.
BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is available in the nurse’s office located off the narthex. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.
ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.
THE LUTHERAN WITNESS If you would like to subscribe to, or renew a subscription to, The Lutheran Witness, please use the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. The annual cost is $15.00. Please designate “Lutheran Witness” if placing your payment in the offering plate. The 2010 subscription year begins in April.