REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Heather U. and Jeanann G., undergoing chemotherapy; Marty J., with cancer; Ann L. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment; Bill S., serving in the military in Afghanistan.
ADVENT Our last special midweek Advent service will be this Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Be sure to make this special service a part of your Christmas preparation and celebration.
MARRIED We wish Keith Zoromski and Stephanie Cole God’s blessings. They were married yesterday here at Good Shepherd. May their love for each other grow in Christ as they share life together as husband and wife.
THE CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM will be next Sunday during the 10:45 morning worship service. The Sunday School children will tell, The Christmas Story, the beautiful story of Jesus’ birth in a way only they can. Practices for the program are during the Sunday School hour.
CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve Communion Candle Light Service is Thursday, Dec. 24th at 7:00 pm. Christmas Day Communion Service is Friday at 10:45 am.
LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRIES OUTREACH BOOKLETS Please check out the new assortment of Lutheran Hour Booklets located in the narthex. There is a variety of topics for personal use or to give out to family, friends, and co-workers, that points us all to Christ and his endless love, no matter what the situation my be. A booklet entitled, How to Share Christ Confidently, is also available. Let Your Light Shine, and Reach Out!
POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS It is that time again to place our order for the poinsettias that help beautify our church at Christmas. The cost will be $5.00 each, and as always, you are welcome to take the plants home with you after Christmas. Use the sign up sheet in the narthex, and please make payment to Betty K.
BIRTHDAY CARD SHOWER Dorothy F., the eldest member of our congregation, will be having a birthday December 21st. How about showering her with cards!
JOY COMES IN PAIRS In light of the necessities of life, walking barefoot may seem minor, but for millions of children around the world their bare feet are subjected to infections that can lead to crippling consequences, disease and even death. The Sunday School offerings, now through the end of the year, will go to help purchase and send pairs of clog type, all-terrain shoes to children in need worldwide. This project is a division of Life Outreach International.
PRESERVING THE BEAUTY We ask that you help us to preserve and maintain our facility, such as closely monitoring snacks given to children in the sanctuary, being careful not to mar or scratch the floors when moving tables and chairs, keeping food in the kitchen or Fellowship Hall, and seeing that your disposable cups, glasses, etc. are empty before you put them in the trash. Together, we can preserve the beauty of our church, the Fellowship Hall and classrooms. Thank you for helping us keep our church clean.
BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is still available. We have moved the site to the nurse’s office located off the narthex. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.
ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.