Children Tell…
The Christmas Story
The children’s Christmas pro-gram, The Christmas Story, will be included with the 10:45 morning worship service Sunday, December 20th. All Sunday School aged students are encouraged to be a part of this won-derful program where the children tell the beautiful story of Jesus’ birth in a way only they can.
Practices will begin on Sunday, November 29th, during the Sunday School hour. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole B. or Shael S., who are directing this year’s program.
New Year’s
Children Tell…
The Christmas Story
The children’s Christmas program, The Christmas Story, will be included with the 10:45 morning worship service Sunday, December 20th. All Sunday School aged students are encouraged to be a part of this won-derful program where the children tell the beautiful story of Jesus’ birth in a way only they can.
Practices will begin on Sunday, November 29th, during the Sunday School hour. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole B. or Shael S., who are directing this year’s program.