REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Heather U., undergoing chemotherapy; Marty J., with cancer; Ann L. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment. Ann W.’s mother; seriously ill in the hospital.
THINK PINK today everyone is invited to wear pink to church, not only to help remind us of the importance of annual check-ups, but to let those who have had or who are now receiving treatment for cancer know that they are in our thoughts and prayers.
70 & OVER DINNER The youth group’s annual dinner event for those who are 70 years of age or older is this evening at 5:00 pm. Not only will the honored guests be waited on and served a wonderful meal, they will also be entertained. If you need a ride or would like a meal delivered to your home, please let them know when you are contacted with your personal invitation. This special event is always a lot of fun for everyone involved, so we hope you are planning on attending.
VOTERS’ NOTES New congregational officers for 2010 are: President: Sonny E., Vice-President: Rick C., Secretary: Karen Q., Financial Secretary: Barbara S., Tresurer: Janet S., Director of Education: Karen P., Elders: David W. and Earl K. Trustees: Bradley M., George M., Greg E, and Mike S. The budget adopted for 2010 totals $227,625.00 about $300 less than last year’s. The building committee is to go ahead with the installation of the elevator. Our envelope offering is up from 2008 at the end of the third quarter by $3,755.00. The church steeple with be installed in the next few weeks.
FUNDRAISER, DECEMBER 5 A benefit chili/soup supper for the Heather U.’s family will be held here at Good Shepherd, Saturday, Dec. 5th, from 3:00-7:00 pm. Heather will have to remain here in the states until May for chemo and radiation treatments. The benefit proceeds will hep with the costs of flying her family home to the States to be with here for Christmas and with other major expenses. We are very excited about and thankful to the Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks for their wonderful donation to help pay for Heather’s two son’s transporatation costs. We will need everyone’s help to make this a successful community event and would like your help in selling advance tickets. Tickets are $5.00 each, children five and under eat free. Please see Brenda K., Melody S., or Corinne W. to get tickets. Items are also being collected for a silent auction to be held that day. We are pleased to have Thrivent match a third of the proceeds of the fundraiser.
CHRISMONS (decorative Christian symbols used for Christmas ornaments, usually white and gold) Would you like to make some Chrismons for your Christmas tree or help us make some to be used here at church? We are planning a craft night on Wednesday evening, November 18th beginning at 6:30. We have the patterns, so bring your scissors, any craft items, like gold or silver glitter, lace, pearls, ideas, etc. and come join us.
QUILTING LADIES DISBAND It is with much sadness that the ladies of the Tuesday morning quilting group have decided to no longer meet. They do want to offer to ladies of the congregation an opportunity to check out and take any of the fabric and thread they have left over. It is all located in the quilters room off the old fellowship hall. What is not taken will be donated. The also want to thank everyone who, over the years, has giving material, supplies, and helped them in their cause in general.
POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS Hard to believe, but it is that time again to place our order for the poinsettias that help beautify our church at Christmas. The cost will be $5.00 each, and as always, you are welcome to take the plants home with you after Christmas. Use the sign up sheet in the narthex,a nd please make payment to Betty K.
BLOOD PRESSURE The opportunity to have your blood pressure taken and recorded after each service is still available. We have moved the site to the nurse’s office located off the narthex. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.
ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.
TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 a.m. service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.