REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Heather U., Tom & Linda D.’s daughter, under treatment; Tommy F., Ruth B.’s son-in-law, seriously ill; Marty J., with cancer; Ann L. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment.
THE REV. LOWELL ROSSOW is our guest speaker today while Pastor and Gerry are on vacation. Pastor Rossow, former Pastor at Immanuel, Joplin, is retired, and lives in Stockton. We are glad to have him back with us again. Thank you, Pastor Rossow!
CLEAN UP DAY A big thanks to all who came out and helped with the clean up yesterday. Special thanks to Lora & Julie W. for providing lunch for everyone.
PASTOR & GERRY ON VACATION Pastor and Gerry will be in Phoenix this week for the Men’s Senior Baseball League World Series. They will be back sometime this week.
DEDICATION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st The Service of Dedication for our expanded facilities will be next Sunday, November 1st, at 10:45 am. That will be the only service that morning. We will have a congregational potluck dinner at noon (the meat will be furnished), and a Service of Praise and Thanksgiving at 2:30 pm. The Rev. Brad Zerkel, a former member of our congregation, and Pastor of Our Redeemer Lutheran, Kansas City, will be our guest speaker for the afternoon service. The Rev. Dr. David Johns will serve as the guest organist for both services. Refreshments will be served after the afternoon service.
HOLIDAY PREVIEW OF MARY KAY PRODUCTS TO SUPPORT YOUTH GROUP Today at 2:00 pm, the Youth Group will be hosting a Mary Kay event to preview Holiday products in the Fellowship Hall. Ladies, come out and try the Satin hands, Satin lips and the new scents for fall. Hey guys, this is a great opportunity for you to get a gift for your significant other as well! Kara G. has agreed to donate 25% of the sales back to the Youth Group for the National Gathering. Refreshments will be provided. Come on out and help support the Youth Group!
YOUTH GROUP OFFERING SERVICES Are you in need of babysitting, leaf raking or other work? If so, let the Youth Group help out. Just give a donation to help fund the National Gathering. Contact Sandy D. to coordinate.
A PHOTO MEMORY BOOK was given to each of the Laborers for Christ consisting of photos taken while working on the addition. A copy is on the cabinet in the narthex. It is also available to you to preview or purchase at: Prints of individual photos are also available for preview and purchase on the same site, (more photos are available than were included in the photo book). Any questions, contact Dave W.
ARE YOU 70 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? Be sure to mark Sunday, November 15th, on your calendar. You won’t want to miss the annual 70 & Over Dinner prepared and served by the Youth Group, just for you, the elders of our congregation. More information will be in the November Shepherd’s Staff.
BLOOD PRESSURE After each service, at the table in the narthex, you have the opportunity to have your blood pressure taken. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.
DAY LIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS Be sure to set your clocks back Saturday night before retiring for the night. Day Light Saving Time ends November 1st.