REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Heather U., Tom & Linda D.’s daughter, recovering from breast cancer surgery; Tommy F., Ruth B.’s son in law, seriously ill; Marty J., with cancer; Ann L. and Chuck P., undergoing treatment.
THE REV. DR DAVID JOHNS is our guest speaker today while Pastor and Gerry are on vacation. Pastor Johns is retired and living in Joplin. We are glad to have him back with us again. Thank you, Dr. Johns!
PASTOR & GERRY ON VACATION Pastor and Gerry will be in Phoenix this week for the Men’s Senior Baseball League World Series. Pastor is again playing for a team from Minnesota called the Twins. You can follow the progress of the team on The Schnackenberg’s will be back sometime the week of the 25th.
CLEAN UP DAY Saturday, October 24th, has been designated as church clean up day. So ladies and gents, bring your sweepers, rags, mops and smiles, and let’s get the church building in order and cleaned up before our big day November 1st. Work will begin at 8:30 am. Almost everything is covered with a find dusting of white so lots of hands are needed.
DEDICATION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st The Service of Dedication for our expanded facilities will be Sunday, November 1st, at 10:45 am. That will be the only service that morning. We will have a congregational pot-luck dinner at noon, (the meat will be furnished), and a Service of Praise and Thanksgiving at 2:30 pm. The Rev. Brad Zerkel, a former member of our congregation, and Pastor of Our Redeemer Lutheran, Kansas City, will be our guest speaker for this service. The Rev. Dr. David Johns will serve as the guest organist for both services. Refreshments will be served after the afternoon service.
NATIONAL YOUTH GROUP GATHERING Youth who are attending the National Youth Group Gathering in 2010 must give their registration form to Cheryl M. today.
CONGRATULATIONS to Amber S. and Brett H. who were married yesterday afternoon at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Grove, OK. We pray for the Lord’s Blessings as they begin their lives as husband and wife.
GUEST PASTOR The Rev. Lowell Rossow, former pastor of Immanuel Lutheran, Joplin, will be our guest Pastor next Sunday. Pastor Rossow and Cynthia are retired and live in Stockton, MO.