A new women’s bible study just started on Sept. 22 called, “Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed” and it is going to be a great 7 weeks of deepening our relationship with the Lord. I can’t wait to see what new revelations God has in store as we study David, listen to 3 awesome bible teachers via DVD and share our personal stories and ideas. The first week the theme was all about David’s annointing and his purpose in God’s plan. We discussed how we ALL have a purpose and an “annointing”. It is not to late to join us – we meet every Tuesday evening in the fellowship hall at 6:30. This coming Tuesday, Sept. 29, we will have an added blessing of seeing a presentation by Kelsey Patton on her mission trip this summer. Call Lora Samuelson at 417-793-0556 for more information. Feel free to join us anytime!