Announcements — August 11, 2024
† IN OUR PRAYERS Jim and Jan G., dealing with covid, Jan is recovering and Jim is now sick; Janet C. recovering from a car accident; Chester and Charlene S., Blane’s Grandparents, recovering at home from various illnesses; Ron & Beth T., struggling with the damage to their house after the recent tornado; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.
† SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL We have had such a fun summer learning about the fruit of the Spirit. Summer Sunday School will conclude August 25. The kids would like to share a couple of songs that they have been singing this summer during the service. We will not have Sunday School September 1. Sunday School Rally Day and the LWML Pie Auction will be held on September 8!
† SCHOOL SUPPLY DONATION For the next few Sundays, Good Shepherd will be collecting school supplies for Immanuel Lutheran School in Lockwood to support them as the school year begins. The items that would be most helpful include Expo erasers & markers, tissues, paper clips, staples, disinfectant wipes, Crayola water colors, college ruled notebooks, college & wide ruled loose leaf paper, multi colored cardstock paper, AA & AAA batteries, and $5-$10 gift card for teacher rewards. There is a collection box in the narthex.
† TREASURER NOTE For the seven months ended July, our paid expenses totaled $142,898 while our income totaled $131,368, leaving us with a deficit of $11,530.
† SUMMER OFFERING The offerings from VBS and Summer Adult Bible Class & Sunday School will be donated to support Higher Power Garage, a Joplin-based organization. It has a mission to ‘provide safe and reliable transportation to those in need.’ Higher Power Garage works to ‘shine God’s light and be an example of His love through the repairs they provide.