
Announcements – April 19, 2009

REMEMBER IN PRAYER:  Bob G., recovering from injuries received in an accident at work;  Carol L., recovering from a back injury;  Bud S. and family, at the death of his mother.

SOFTBALL THIS WEEK  The men’s team will be playing Tuesday evening at 8:30, and the co-ed team will play Friday evening at 8:30.  Both teams play at the Carthage Municipal Park.  Come out and cheer on the home teams.  Congratulations, guys, on your big 28 to 8 win last week!

BLOOD DRIVE Recycle Life…Give Blood!  Today the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks will be in the Youth Trailer from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon for a blood drive.  Please give…the need for blood can be at anytime, for anyone.  You will receive a free cholesterol screening with your donation.  

CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING  The church council will meet this evening at 7:00. 

THE ELDERS will meet this Monday evening at 7:00. 

VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY MEETING  The Voters will meet next Sunday, April 26th, at 7:00 pm. 

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLANNING MEETING  There will be a brief VBS meeting next Sunday morning before Sunday School, April 26, at 9:15 in the Fellowship Hall.  Anyone interested in helping with this year’s VBS is encouraged to attend.  A date will need be established, and we need your input and suggestions.  Thanks. ~ Walter & Angela R.

JOIN HANDS DAY  Youth Group members and their families are invited to participate in Join Hands Day.  The annual volunteer event, sponsored by Thrivent, will benefit Jasper County Foster Families.  The event will be at the Martin Luther School in Joplin on Saturday, May 2nd, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Lunch will be provided, and free t-shirts will be given to participating Youth.  Mark your calendars now to join hands with fellow Lutherans and help our community!  If you have questions, please contact Keith Z.

LWML SPRING RALLY  “Renew, Rejoice, Reach Out”  The Spring Rally of the Zone LWML will be Sunday, May 3rd, at 3:00 pm at St. Andrew Church, Stockton.  All ladies are encouraged to attend.  Please let Mary, 358-1325, know if you plan to attend, as she needs to give a head count to the hosting society.  We will meet at the church at 1:15 that Sunday afternoon to carpool. 

GRADUATES  Anyone out there graduating from high school or college this spring?  We need your picture and a short bio for the May Shepherd’s Staff.  Please get it to the church office by the 28th of this month.  Your church family is interested in what your future plans are. 

GSLC-CARTHAGE.COM  Be sure to check out the church website,, updated each week and maintained by Don Wilson.  Thanks, Don!  He has been posting the announcements from the Sunday bulletin, as well as downloading the monthly Newsletter. 

TAPES OF THE SERVICE  Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.  Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING  If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.

NURSERY  A staffed nursery for small children is available downstairs during the late service.  Should your child become distressed or distract others during the early service, the furnished nursery is downstairs for your use.  Please ask one of the ushers if you need directions.

Announcements – April 12, 2009

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Bob G. suffering from injuries received in an accident at work; Carol L., recovering from a back injury.

GROUNDBREAKING SERVICE Today, after the Easter breakfast and the Sunday School Easter egg hunt, we will gather at the building site in front of the church building for a Groundbreaking Service. Each family is invited to bring a shovel for their family members to help get the project started. We will all make the first turns of earth on the new building project together with the blessing of our Triune God, Father, and Holy Spirit.

LABORERS FOR CHRIST We welcome to our church family Mike & Thelma M. and Gary & Pat F., who have set up their temporary homes next to the Youth Trailer. They will be helping us with the new expansion of the church building. Be sure to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.

THE OVER-50 GOOD SHEPHERDS will meet this Thursday evening at 6:00. Bring a snack and join the broup for fun and fellowship.

SOFTBALL BEGINS THIS WEEK The men’s team will be playing their first game of the season on Tuesday evening at 6:30, and the co-ed team will play Friday evening at 8:30. Both teams play at Carthage Municipal Park. Come out and cheer on the home teams.

BLOOD DRIVE Recycle Life…Give Blood! Next Sunday, the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks will be at the Youth Trailer from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for a blood drive. Please give…the need for blood can be at anytime, for anyone. You will receive a free cholesterol screening with your donation.

CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING The church council will meet next Sunday evening at 7:00.

VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY MEETING The Voters will meet Sunday, April 26th at 7:00 pm.

GSLC-CARTHAGE.COM Be sure to check out the church web site,, updated each week and maintained by Don Wilson. Thanks, Don! He has been posting the announcements from the Sunday bulletin, as well as downloading the monthly Newsletter. Also, for your viewing, are pictures from the Goin’ Green Fellowship Dinner and pictures of Bradley & Cheryl’s mission trip to Africa.

REMINDER The Wednesday evening groups will return to their regular schedule this week. See Events this Week for the specific times.

TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available..

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.

NURSERY A staffed nursery for small children is available downstairs during the late service. Should your child become distressed or distract others during the early service, the furnished nursery is downstairs for your use. Please ask one of the ushers if you need directions.

Announcements – March 29, 2009

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Bob G. suffering from injuries received in an accident at work; Michele B., having sugery on Monday; Lilian S. having hand surgery on Wednesday.

BAPTISM TODAY We rejoice with Perry & Carla S., who have brought their son, Tanner Robert, to be batized today during the late service. Tanner was born February 3, 2009. His sponsers are Jeff & Kelly K. We ask for the Lord’s continued blessings on Tanner and his family.

“GOIN’ GREEN POTLUCK” This evening Duke Mason will start off the congregational get-together with his always very enjoyable vocal performance in the sanctuary at 5:30 pm. We will then head downstairs for a great Irish pot-luck meal. The meat and drinks will be furnished. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish, and of course, wear green. Hope to see everyone here!
Web Update – View Pictures of the Event

LWML The ladies of the Missionary League will meet this Wednesday evening at 6:00. The duo sister team of Lee Ann B. And Corrine W. will be serving as hostesses and topic leaders, and I hear they have something planned that all will enjoy. All gals of the congregation are encouraged to join with us in praise, and in our task to enlarge God’s kingdom through missions.

WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE DURING LENT Band Practice, 5:00 pm; Jr. Confirmation class, 6:00 pm; Men’s Ensemble Practice, 6:00 pm; Youth Group, 6:00 pm; LWML, 6:00 pm

MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES This Wednesday is the last of the Midweek services before Holy Week.

LWML MARCH MISSION PROJECT Our mission project for March is almost over. We will be taking the items donated to the Carthage Crisis Center this week. If you would still like to donate please have your items hear before Wednesday, April 1st. Thanks, everyone; we appreciate your generosity.

EASTER LILIES If you would like to puchase an Easter Lily to help beautify our sanctuary on Easter, please use the signup sheet provided in the narthex. The price is $6.00 each. Please pay Betty K.

EASTER BREAKFAST PREPARATIONS Check out the sign-up sheet in the narthex to see how you can help with food and/or supplies for the annual Easter morning breakfast. Last year over 175 folks enjoyed the combination of breakfast casseroles, fruit, sweet rolls, etc. A free will offering will be taken and the money will possibly go toward a new coffee maker for the church. Our present one is starting to show its wear and not always working properly. The LWML will be responsible for the breakfast set-up and clean-up.

EASTER BASKETS FOR KIDS IN NEED The Youth Group is gathering items to make Easter baskets to give to children in need. These baskets will be distributed through agencies such as the Carthage Crisis Center and Children’s Haven in Joplin. If you would like to help with the project, please place items such as small toys, books, school supplies, candies, or toiletries in the big blue bin in the narthex. Monetary donations will be used to purchase an Easter book to be placed in each basket, sharing the beautiful story of Jesus’ resurrection.

SOFTBALL SIGNUPS If you are interested in playing with the men’s team or the co-ed team plase use the signup sheet at the information center in the narthex To date no ladies have signed up to play co-ed, so we might need a couple of guys to “dress up” in order to be a part of that league. Any takers? Play begins April 14th.

UPDATE ON DAISY Check out the email correspondence posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. You can see a picture of her with husband Anthony, and son Caleb.

TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available. Contact an usher.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listenening devices are available from the ushers.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are available in the narthex after each service. You will be given a small form that can be carried in your wallet which will include medical information and a log of your blood pressure readings.

Announcements – March 22, 2009

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Bob G. suffering from injuries received in an accident at work.

WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE DURING LENT Band Practice, 5:00 pm; Jr. Confirmation class, 6:00 pm; Men’s Ensemble Practice, 6:00 pm; Youth Group, 6:00 pm; Women’s Class, 6:00 pm

MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES The season of Lent, which will continue until Easter, has been a part of the church calendar for many, many years. It is a time when we focus on the suffering and death of Jesus and ponder again what it means for our life and salvation. We are having midweek Lenten services on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 during the Lenten season. Portions of the Passion story of Jesus will be read during each service. You are encouraged to attend.

“GOIN’ GREEN POTLUCK” Next Sunday, Duke Mason will start off the Sunday evening get-together with his always very enjoyable vocal performance in the sanctuary at 5:30 pm. We will then head downstairs for a great Irish pot-luck meal. The meat and drinks will be furnished. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish, and of course, wear green. Hope to see everyone here!

LWML MARCH MISSION PROJECT Our mission project for March is to provide supplies for the Carthage Crisis Center. They are in need of consumable products such as: toilet paper, dryer sheets, bleach and all purpose cleaners. They also need twin mattress pads, booster seats, alarm clocks, and towels for both bath and kitchen. If you would like to help with this local mission project, please leave your donations on the back bench in the narthex. We will collect donations through the month of March. Anyone is welcome to donate. Thank You!

EASTER LILIES If you would like to puchase an Easter Lily to help beautify our sanctuary on Easter, please use the signup sheet provided in the narthex. The price is $6.00 each.

EASTER BASKETS FOR KIDS IN NEED The Youth Group is gathering items to make Easter baskets to give to children in need. These baskets will be distributed through agencies such as the Carthage Crisis Center and Children’s Haven in Joplin. If you would like to help with the project, please place items such as small toys, books, school supplies, candies, or toiletries in the big blue bin in the narthex. Monetary donations will be used to purchase an Easter book to be placed in each basket, sharing the beautiful story of Jesus’ resurrection.

EASTER BREAKFAST PREPARATIONS Check out the sign-up sheet in the narthex to see how you can help with food and/or supplies for the annual Easter morning breakfast. Last year over 175 folks enjoyed the combination of breakfast casseroles, fruit, sweet rolls, etc. A free will offering will be taken and the money will possibly go toward a new coffee maker for the church. Our present one is starting to show its wear and not always working properly. The LWML will be responsible for the breakfast set-up and clean-up.

PORTALS OF PRAYER are available at the information center in the narthex.

TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available. Contact an usher.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listenening devices are available from the ushers.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are available in the narthex after each service. You will be given a small form that can be carried in your wallet which will include medical information and a log of your blood pressure readings.

NURSERY A staffed nursery for small children is available downstairs during the late service. Should your child become distressed or distract others during the early service, the furnished nursery is downstairs for your use. Please ask one of the ushers if you need directions.