Announcements – May 17, 2009
REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Mary F., recovering from hip surgery; Jim G., prayer of thanksgiving for heart procedure that went well; Bob G., recovering at home from injuries suffered at work; Marty J., undergoing surgery Thursday in St. Louis; Ann L. and Ann N., at Mayo’s to undergo further tests.
JR CONFIRMATION CLASS will have their last class this Wednesday evening at 6:30 with a review of this year’s lessons. You are welcome to attend. After the review, the class will be fitted for their confirmation robes.
JR CONFIRMATION NEXT SUNDAY Seven young folks will publicly confess their faith next Sunday during the late service.
CEMETERY BLESSING After the late service next Sunday, we will meet at the church cemetery for a service of blessing for the cemetery. A map of its location is located on the bulletin board in the narthex.
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GATHERING The District Senior High Youth Gathering will be held June 26-28, 2009, at Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri. The theme this year is, Hearts on Fire…Created 2 Serve. This event is open to youth who will be entering the 9th grade this fall and above. Please see Cheryl M., Justin M., or Keith Z. for registration forms or with questions. Registration forms are due May 31st.
SOFTBALL THIS WEEK The men’s team did not play last week due to rain, and will not play this week because of Carthage graduation. The co-ed team will play Friday evening at 6:30. Come out to the Carthage Municipal Park and cheer them on.
VBS, JULY 6-10 Sign up sheets are in the narthex for both the children and the volunteers. Please be sure to indicate if you prefer afternoon or evening hours, as we have not yet set a time. Please contact Nicole B. with any questions.
MEN’S RETREAT We have several men who are at a retreat this weekend. They should be home later this afternoon.
MEMBERS IN ACTION VOLUNTEER LIST If you are interested in helping with the new construction, please let us know by adding your name to the list found on the table in the narthex. Please give us your phone number and the day/days of the week you would be available to work. Ladies, this includes you, too. We will need lots of workers once this initial phase is over. Mike Q. will be in charge of letting folks know when they are needed.
TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.
ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.
NURSERY A staffed nursery for small children is available downstairs during the late service. Should your child become distressed or distract others during the early service, the furnished nursery is downstairs for your use. Please ask one of the ushers if you need directions.
BLOOD PRESSURE After each service, at the table in the narthex, you have the opportunity to have your blood pressure taken. You will be given a card to carry with you to record your readings.